“Look out any window
Look out any open door
Look out any window
See what’s going on in the world around you”
~ Look Out Any Window by Bruce Hornsby
*Taken at Camden Aquarium – New Jersey
Ps… Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with these Sunday meme’s
What a cool picture! And an awesome window! I enjoyed the aquarium in Camden, feeling inspired to go back!
My husband used to work in a building with windows that went from the ceiling to the floor – the kids (tiny back then) would not get close for fear of falling (they obviously couldn’t but visually it looked like they might). Cool shot, great windows to the world outside.
Holy Moly Molly! This is fantastic! Really makes me wonder what she has her eyesight keened in on. Or, if she is up close like that to make breath patterns on the glass. Whatever her reason, sure makes for one amazing capture! Great eyes you have to notice this and capture it. Thanks for joining in on Song-ography!
Awesome shot with a great view of the world outside. I was wondering what kind of a building that was because I thought, Man if you had all those windows in your house to keep clean! – Love the little pop of the yellow flower too.
Looks like one could see the entire world from that vantage point! Love her pose!
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