Day 314 – Moss
“Moss is inconceivably strong. Moss eats stone; scarcely anything, in return, eats moss. Moss dines upon boulders, slowly but devastatingly, in a meal that lasts for centuries. Given enough time, a colony of moss can […]
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“Moss is inconceivably strong. Moss eats stone; scarcely anything, in return, eats moss. Moss dines upon boulders, slowly but devastatingly, in a meal that lasts for centuries. Given enough time, a colony of moss can […]
“One could speculate that lichens would be among the last inhabitants to succumb on a dying earth at some distant point in the future.” ~ Steven L. Stephenson
“Plants are solar-powered air purifiers whose filter never needs replacing.” ~ Khang Kijarro Nguyen
“Live in each season as it passes: breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit.” ~ Henry David Thoreau
“No sign of spring, save that the catkins fill,And willow stems grow daily red and bright.These are days when ancients held a riteOf expiation for the old year’s ill,And prayer to purify the new year’s […]
But Winter has yet brighter scenes-he boastsSplendors beyond what gorgeous Summer knows;Or Autumn with his many fruits, and woodsAll flushed with many hues.~ William C. Bryant
“No one can look at a pine tree in winter without knowing that spring will come again in due time.” ~ Frank Bolles
“The winter is kind and leaves red berries on the boughs for hungry sparrows.” ~ John J. Geddes
“November at its best – with a sort of delightful menace in the air.”~ Anne Bosworth Greene
You look at all the swelling rose hips in the garden that will wither and die without ever germinating and it seems a miracle that you are alive at all. What would one not do […]