The music of the wind has a hundred varied notes. It plays on every bush and tree a different harmony, whistling in the thornbushes, surging in the pines and firs, rustling in the evergreens, in winter chanting a mighty anthem in the bare branches, in summer playing a gay, whispering tune among the leaves. Listen to its shivering voice in the winter grass, the silky swish of its music in summer meadows, the dry whisper of its song in rushes and reeds. There is wonder in that wandering call in spring woodlands, when first it murmurs from afar, an almost inaudible stir and rumour, growing louder and ever louder as it sweeps through the forest and cries triumphantly in every tree. Never silent, never still, the restless wind seeks everywhere some instrument on which to play its enchanting music.
~ Dallas Kenmare Browne Kelsey
Great photo and quote. I live in Oklahoma and the winds blow a lot and I love it. When they howl I have a favorite hiking/trailrunning path in the deep woods north of Tulsa and I love to hear the wind blowing hard through the tops of the trees but down on the ground the air is very still.
Have a great week!
You are right the sound of the wind is something very special and unique
I love the picture and the note with it. Wonderful! #SundayInMyCity
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