“Ah, dear Brighton —piers, queers and racketeers.” ~ Noel Coward
Definitely a quote that is of its time although Brighton still have a strong relationship with piers and continues to be a cosmopolitan young town that attracts a very diverse population but I am fairly sure its association with racketeers is someone diminished unless you class the overpriced hoteliers which have capitalised on Brighton trendy popular image to hike up room prices to crazy levels. I have a huge soft spot for Brighton. I lived there as a student for a year, as a Londoner I felt at home there. It gave me the vice of a city right next to the beautiful ocean and apart from London it is one the place in the UK were I would be very happy to live again. Sadly I suspect that will never happen but if there is one thing I have learned in this life, never say never.
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