Do you have any idea how hard it is to take a picture of a goldfish? Getting the focus just right through the water is a nightmare and then just when you happy with your shot the fish goes and hangs out on the other side of the tank. A great deal of patience is required for photographing goldfish.
Tags: 365 project, Animals, Goldfish, Thought about photography
It is really hard to take pictures of fish! I tried clicking quite a few at the aquarium at the Zoo – and was pretty sure I got some great shorts, only to come home and find they were all blurs 🙂
I think your photo is fabulous!
Rofl! I’m glad I have no goldfish then! You did a fabulous job!
[…] fish is a real bugger but I got something in the end. Any comments gratefully received…. Day 6 – Finding Nemo | The 365 Project Mollyxxx __________________ Visit me at I am a good girl I […]
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