Day 25 – Catkins fill
“No sign of spring, save that the catkins fill,And willow stems grow daily red and bright.These are days when ancients held a riteOf expiation for the old year’s ill,And prayer to purify the new year’s […]
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“No sign of spring, save that the catkins fill,And willow stems grow daily red and bright.These are days when ancients held a riteOf expiation for the old year’s ill,And prayer to purify the new year’s […]
“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” ~ Lauren DeStefano
“To read a poem in January is as lovely as to go for a walk in June” ~ Jean Paul Sartre
“Thorn in my side. You know that’s all you ever were.” ~ Thorn In My Side by Eurythmics [columns] [span3] [/span3][span3] [/span3][span3] [/span3][span3] [/span3][/columns
“Summer has filled her veins with light and her heart is washed with noon.” ~ C. Day Lewis [columns] [span6] [/span6][span6] [/span6][/columns]
“How lush and lusty the grass looks! how green!” ~ william shakespeare [columns] [span6] [/span6][span6] [/span6][/columns]
“Nothing on this earth is standing still. It’s either growing or it’s dying. No matter if it’s a tree or a human being.” ~ Lou Holtz [columns] [span3] [/span3][span3] [/span3][span3] [/span3][span3] [/span3][/columns]
“Most of the time, beauty lies in the simplest of things.” ~ Winna Efendi [columns] [span6] [/span6][span6] [/span6][/columns]