“I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.” ~ James A. Michener
This is my daughters hand. She is an excellent artist and writing curly swirly script is one of the her favourite things to do. When I asked her to help me create this image she would not let me take any images until she had designed out what she was going to do and then she spent ages finishes the words even after I had taken the picture I wanted.
I only love writing when I have a good pen to write with! A nasty pen makes the job a chore.
It’s a great picture and I love the style – she’s got it right #SundaysInTheCity
Tell your daughter I thought her script was really beautiful. She should keep at it. Perhaps there is a career for her in art. When I was young I used to play around with different scripts. I found my books and paper and pens the other day. Perhaps I should start again.
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