“The next time you see a spider web, please, pause and look a little closer. You’ll be seeing one of the most high-performance materials known to man.” ~ Cheryl Hayashi
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Bloomin’ gorgeous. Never fails to amaze me how clever a tiny being can be. And how scary at the same time!
Wow….Great…One day, when I am older, I would love to be as good as you at photography…You are wicked and that is a perfect shot!!!!
Boo Kitty Boo XXX
Amazing pic. Nature has a real habit of putting things into perspective
My goodness, what a labour of love! I wonderhow many hours that took to make?
You know, even though they really give me the creeps – Spiders are simply amazing creatures.
It is amazing how much work the spider must put in overnight for such a magnificent structure. Many then recycle their webs by eating them in the morning.
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