I am a Londoner, born and bred. It is home to me and love it. I miss living in it nearly ever day and yet I am not sure I could ever live there again because where I would want to be is beyond even my wildest financial dreams. I hope the Olympics is a success for London, it has cost my a city criminal amount of money and I suspect the average Londoner will never see any benefit from it. I wonder how many jobs, houses, hospitals and schools could have been created with 9.2 billion pounds!?
“I know there’s life after the Olympics.”~ Eric Shanteau
Ps…Click on the icon below to see who else is joining in with Sunday in My City and A Photo A Day July Prize Challenge
London is a unique place. I hope the Olympics are spectacular.
That’s a great shot, Molly! A close family friend’s son has been chosen to play at the London Olympics in the men’s doubles – Tennis.
Yes, massive investment. I think like you too! Hugs!
We will be in the London area when the olympics are on as our cruise ship stops in Southampton. We will avoid London this trip however hubby has never been and I was there 40 years ago and would love to go back.
It is always controversial and a tough call. Some cities make it work and pull down a profit, and some don’t – it will be interesting to see how London does. The photo is really gorgeous, that is an amazing emotional image.
I’ve had that very thought a few times (it crossed my mind over the recent Queen’s celebration too). I hope TONS of tourist dollars pour in and many jobs are created as a result.
Happy SIMC, jj
The Olympics will bring A LOT of $$$$$ and business into London while they last. I imagine people were hired (new jobs) to get the venues built and ready before hand. Others will be hired for crowd/traffic control etc.
So – – – it isn’t ALL expense with no benefit.
I hope London enjoys a SPECTACULAR Olympics.
I remember – – – Chicago WANTED this Olympics and lost out to London.
I’ve always wondered about that. My parents’ city, Houston, competed for the Olympics. They even started building a rail system in hope. When they showed all the changes and additions they would make in just a few years, I never could see how it would be recouped.
Haven’t been to London in years. I hope to visit again in the not-so-far future.
This is such an interesting photo! I really like it.
Thanks for linking up this week 🙂
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