At last the football session is over here for my son and so for the time being there will be no more rushed Sunday morning drives to games in the pouring rain. I won’t miss it in the slightest. One of the other things that I hate about the whole thing is the shouty Dad’s. I am sure you know the type, who stand on the edge berating their son(s) and sometimes even the whole team for not performing as they would wish. Their constant commentary just seems to grate on my nerves, they seem to have forgotten that they are watching a group of 12 year old boys play football and not some professional team. They seem to have forgotten that it is meant to be fun and most of all they seem to have forgotten their children, especially their sons, learn from their behaviour. Sometimes it takes all my will power not to tap them on the shoulder and tell them to hush now. Maybe next session…
“There’s nothing wrong with the Little League World Series that locking out the adults couldn’t cure.” ~ Mike Penner
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