Welcome to The 365 Project; A photograph for everyday of the week and my contribution to Sunday In My City. I live in Hertfordshire, UK and I took these photographs last night at The Galleria as the sun was dipping down behind the horizon and night was setting in. We had a meal and then went to see Sherlock Holmes. It was a perfect evening
Ps… Click the icon below to see who else is sharing Sunday In My City
Very nice pictures. I really like the shades of color and light/dark, and the contrast between the bars and background scenes.
Happy Sunday and new week.
That’s a very impressive first week of photos. There’s no doubt that using your camera improves your skills and your vision. I have some form of camera with me all the time, my DSLR gets lugged about most days but on the odd occasion its not with me there’s always the compact or my phone camera. I look forward to your next 358 photographs
Your home page is gorgeous and I was mesmerized by the changing header. Such beautiful photos! Love the first photo. Am a big fan of Sherlock Holmes too!
Thank you for visiting my blog, Molly!
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