Day 326 – Autumn’s Fire
“Now Autumn’s fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.” ~ William Allingham
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“Now Autumn’s fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.” ~ William Allingham
“The one red leaf, the last of its clan, That dances as often as dance it can, Hanging so light, and hanging so high, On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky.” ~ […]
“The chief characteristics of the tall building is that it is lofty. It must be every inch a proud and soaring thing, rising in sheer exultation so that from bottom to top it should be […]
And God said, ‘Let there be light’ and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected. Spike Milligan
“There is no beauty without some strangeness” ~ Edgar Allan Poe
“How bravely Autumn paints upon the sky The gorgeous fame of Summer which is fled!” ~ Thomas Hood
“Of all man’s works of art, a cathedral is greatest. A vast and majestic tree is greater than that.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher
“The Bodleian above anything else made Oxford what it was . . . There was something incommunicably grand about it, something difficult to understand unless you had spent your evenings there or walked past it […]
“Now Autumn’s fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.” ~ William Allingham
“Care is taken that trees do not grow into the sky.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe