“If you look closely at a tree you’ll notice it’s knots and dead branches, just like our bodies. What we learn is that beauty and imperfection go together wonderfully.” ~ Matthew Fox
Ps… Please come back tomorrow to join in with my new meme The Human Condition
Ps… Click on the icons below to see who else is joining in with these Friday meme’s
Wonderful piece. I love the angle you took your photo at and the patch of blue sky against the gray really adds to the piece.
This is an interesting image…..all silvery gray with the blue sky and clouds in the background. I also like the angle of the shot. Your accompanying quote about imperfection is a great partner with the image.
Oh yes – where would artists be without the imperfect? Love the angle of this great shot!
make BEautimous mistakes and deLIGHT in Imperfection are two of the rules I live by!! glorious photography!!!
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